Drei Mitarbeiter der Beschaffung haben eine Besprechung und zeigen auf eine Landkarte mit gekennzeichneten Punkten Drei Mitarbeiter der Beschaffung haben eine Besprechung und zeigen auf eine Landkarte mit gekennzeichneten Punkten

Schwarz Beschaffung

Our focus and our responsibility

Ambitious procurement of a comprehensive portfolio

Schwarz Beschaffung is the central service provider for products and services required in-house by the companies of Schwarz Group. So, our customers include 575,000 colleagues from Lidl and Kaufland as well as PreZero, Schwarz Produktion, Schwarz Digits and Schwarz Dienstleistungen. Over 300 employees along with about 2,800 business partners deal with strategically implementing purchasing for our colleagues.

All Schwarz Beschaffung activities are classified into five procurement units. All product groups are included in the portfolio, ranging from simple consumables to various services right up to complex production facilities, and other investment goods. In this way, we support the ability to act of the companies of Schwarz Group worldwide and lay the foundations to overcome challenges such as supply reliability or adherence to both environmental and social standards.

We define the procurement process and work in close liaison with our requesters. We are driven by high quality standards. To respond to this, Schwarz Beschaffung focuses on long-term partnerships based on trust with their suppliers; suppliers and customers benefit from this too. In this way, we manage to develop new ideas and innovative concepts together with our requesters on the one hand, and with business partners on the other, such as, with regard to digitalization.

Moreover, one particularly strong focus is placed on sustainability in the entire supply chain. By means of our procurement strategy, we make a decisive contribution to achieving the sustainability targets of the companies of Schwarz Group.

An overview of the Schwarz Beschaffung units